Bealtaine Theatre Festival

April 25th to May 25th

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Bealtaine Theatre Festival

The King of All Birds

Tom Moran is a Big Fat Filthy Disgusting Liar

Canada Ireland Foundation is dedicated to deepening and broadening Canadians' connection to the culture of Ireland.

What's On

The King of All Birds

We marvel at aerial views of our homes, gather in awe to watch people take flight, and, every so often, we crown a king.

Fri. April 25 - Sun. April 27

Vittorio Angelone

Irish-Italian comedian Vittorio Angelone comes to Toronto

Thu. May 1 - Thu. May 1

Your contribution helps the Foundation to create meaningful programmes, undertake new research and host events that celebrate the stories of the Irish in Canada. We thank you for your gift and for supporting our mission.

Explore Our Projects

Ireland Park

A commemoration of Irish Famine migrants on Toronto's waterfront.

Explore Ireland Park

Grasett Park

Honouring caregivers who perished while assisting newly arriving Famine migrants.

Explore Grasett Park

Our Projects

From art exhibitions to historical research, we provide endless ways to explore Irish-Canadian culture and heritage.

Explore All Projects

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Our Foundation depends on the support of dedicated volunteers. Whether it’s helping at an event, serving on a committee or assisting with research, we welcome your contributions. If you are interested in volunteering, get in touch with our team.

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